Plants for Japanese-style gardens
A Japanese-style garden can be created with Australian natives by selecting plants with properties similar to the traditional choices.
Dichondra repens - in shade with summer water
Eremophila glabra (low compact form or Roseworthy form) - in dry sunny areas
E. serpens - in dry areas with filtered shade
E. biserrata, E. subteritifolia - in dry areas with sun or shade
Poa labillardieri
Cymbopogon ambiguum - Scented grass
Asplenium nudum - Birds’ nest fern in shade with summer water
Blechnum nudus - needs damp shade
Dicksonia antarctica - needs damp semi-shade
Strappy leaves:
Dianella – many forms, some prefer dry shade, others more lush with summer water
Dietes robinsonia - in dappled shade, summer water
Diplarenna moraea - in dappled shade, summer water
Orthrosanthos polystachus - in dappled shade, summer water
Anigozanthos flavida - in sandy soil with summer water
Lomandra sp. - Most very hardy, some with very fine leaves e.g. “Tanika”, “Lime Wave”.
Small shrubs:
Acacia cognata “Limelight”
Correa sp. - many forms which can be clipped, dappled shade or morning sun, some summer water
Baeckea sp. - some summer water, may be clipped
Eremophila drummondii - in dry sun
E. weldii - in dry sun, clip to shape
Grevillea thelemanniana - in sun, may be clipped
Syzigium “Little Trev”
Medium shrubs:
Melaleuca huegelii (fine leaf form) - in sun, may be shaped
Correa alba - sun or semi-shade, keep clipped
Philotheca myoporoides - dappled shade, summer water, may be trimmed
Acacia cognata
Allocasuarina torulosa - good in group of vertical trunks, where room available
Callitris sp. - several forms and shapes
Hymenosporum flavum
Syzigium sp. - Many different types from small to large, some summer water
Feature Plants:
Cycad sp.
Nymphaea sp. - in ponds
Where do I get plants from?
Plants may be available from our Plants Sales. Check our webiste in the week before the Adelaide Plant sale for a list of plants we are expecting to be available at the Adelaide Showgrounds Expo and Plants Sale.