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Join us

People become members of organisations such as ours for a wide variety of reasons. Some may wish to understand more about Australian native plants, some may wish to collect or grow plants for their gardens, others may want to do something about the environment, like revegetation work. Whatever the reason, we can assist. We are a Society with a large cross-section of people from all walks of life. This is what makes the Australian Plants Society unique. There is always someone who can help.

Most people know that Australian native plants consist of more than just gum trees and wattles, but very few realise that there are literally thousands of species with many variations. Many of these plants can be grown in your garden so by having involvement with the Australian Plants Society, people gain invaluable knowledge and become an authority themselves.

One of the most important things that happens to an Australian Plants Society member, is that, when travelling, instead of seeing nothing along the roadways, a whole new world of plant species and their environments opens up, and life takes on a completely new meaning.

Click here to download the membership form (Word document 20k)

Direct Debit is our preferred method of payment.

Remember to use your name as a reference and email details (name / date / amount paid) to both the membership officer ( ad to the treasurer (, othewise we have no way of knowing who has paid.

Subscriptions (individual, family or group) for the year beginning 1 April 2023 are:

$40.00 for full membership which includes the South Australian Journal or

$15.00 Junior membership under 21.

'Australian Plants' national magazine is available from NSW for $35.00 per annum including postage.

Also Available:

'Australian Plants' National Magazine

Available from NSW for $35 per annum including postage.

Further details here 
