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Australian Native Plant Selector - APSquery

The SA reqion of the Australian Plant Society have now released an interactive database called APSQuery to help select Australian native plants to meet specific requirements.

The program is available in several versions - depending on wether the extensive collection of over 10,000 photos are included.

Over 8,500 plants are included in the interactive database. The database was created and is maintained by society members and has a bias towards plants suitable for South Australian conditions with a Mediterranean to semi-arid climate. With prudence it can be applied to southern Western Australian and Victorian conditions, but may be less accurate for eastern seaboard and tropical environments.

The latest version of APSquery, is available here Australian Native Plants. (4Mb .zip file)

The order form for the full version of APSquery. (187kb .pdf)

Photo of APSquery DVD product


APSquery Screen Captures
